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The Three Little Dinosaurs

by Charles Fuge 


Each week, our class mascot Sniff and his book bag will go home with one of our students to visit and explore with their family.  In the bag are several books, our class journal and of course, Sniff himself. 

During your week, please read one or more stories with your child.  Help your child write about their favorite story and let them illustrate what they liked best in the blank pages provided in the journal.  You will also find some coloring and activity pages that your child can try just for fun.

You may add some photos of Sniff and his adventures with your family along with a brief description in the journal.  Sniff has visited the beach, a volleyball game and he snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie! We look forward to hearing about your adventures!

Please return Sniff and his book bag on the next Monday.  Our students will tell us about their journal entries, their favorite story and all the fun they had. This extension activity is a wonderful way to promote a love of reading, literacy skills, important pre-reading opportunities and even public speaking (they will tell us about their visit during morning meeting on Mondays).  There are no requirements for number of journal pages; just have fun and let your child’s imagination and creativity decide what you will include.

This much anticipated project is only successful with your participation and the return of Sniff and his book bag on time (the next student is anxiously waiting their turn!).  If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to call (we have replacements).  We are certain you and your child will enjoy this activity. Sniff is a well-mannered house guest whose visit will bring him (and your child) to fun, new adventures.  Enjoy!

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